In Memoriam

bravo dog collage

If you follow me on social media, particularly Facebook or Instagram, you already know this, and I thought about not posting it, but Bravo has often been such a big part of this blog that it felt wrong not to acknowledge here.

Bravo passed away suddenly last week. He was not feeling well for a few days and when we took him to the vet he went to sleep and stopped breathing.

I don’t really want to rewrite the longer story, but you can read it here and here.

The house is very quiet, and I still find myself looking for him in his favorite spots (our purple blanket, looking out the window), but I’m glad he had a good life (he would turn 11 this month). He was well-travelled and had lots of friends that tried to win him over even though he was basically a grumpy, old man.

If you want to read more about our good friend Bravo, check out some of his older posts.

Missing Bravo

As of today I am 39 days away from seeing this little guy (not that I’m counting…).  His expression in this photo is kind of how I feel when I’m thinking about him.  He’s pretty much my favorite (non-human) guy. 

Here are some of my favorite Bravo photos from this past year (give or take a few months).IMG_0417
It’s not Christmas, but this photo never fails to make me smile.
I like how delicate his paws look here.  I think he looks very proper.

Merry Christmas!

merry christmas from bravo
Our Christmas is not snowy this year (and there aren’t many years when it is) but this photo reminds me of The Guns and my first Christmas Eve as a married couple. It was snowing and Bravo just did not get it.  That look says “Let me inside!  You people are crazy! Also, don’t I look cute in this Christmas sweater?”

I don’t know what you’re doing this Christmas, but I hope you enjoy it. Enjoy giving, celebrating, your family, your friends, and your sweater and antler-wearing pets.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Gratuitous Bravo Photo

As you read this I’m back to work.  That was a long vacation that totally spoiled me, but a routine will be good again.

That being said, looking back over my posts I realize I did not put one Bravo photo up during my vacation!  So I’m going to put this one up and be sad about it.
OMG, we match!

See you in April Bravissimo!

Friday Finds and a Photo (07/27/12)

Bravo begging to go inside on a snowy Christmas Eve in Fort Worth 2009. You might think this photo is out of season, so I say to you “CHRISTMAS IN JULY!”

Another dancing video for your internet find this week.  I must admit, this one and last week’s were introduced to me via one of my ballet professors from college who has become quite the internet curator. 

Oh, here’s your find.

As always…

By the time you read this we’ll have been back on the ship for a little over a week.  And I’m pretty sure we’ll be missing Bravo.  Here’s some fun times we had with him this summer…
