Friday Finds 2/28/14

Bringing Sexy Back… Barbershop style… LOVE IT!

The world of coffee.

I’m working on some projects I’m really excited about- And I’m really trying to implement this idea.

I’m still relearning how to cook and meal plan, so I’m hoping this post will be helpful

Generally men’s fashion eludes me, but this line of pants from Bonobos called Weekday Warriors looks pretty awesome. Perhaps one day The Guns will have a pair… or 5.

Some of you know I’ve become a bit obsessed with podcasts. One of my daily listens is Entrepreneur on Fire, by John Lee Dumas. Here’s a great episode to start with- it’s where I learned my new motto, “only one freak out at a time”

I need your help… is this fox scarf cool or not cool?

Did you find anything on the internet this week?

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