Conversations with J, Episode 4

Back Story: We’re watching the Today Show, and some Health segment where they announced that we should all work to have flat stomachs, 35 inch waistline or less is most healthy for women. I’d just been measured for my new job and I had a freak out moment.

Me: 35 inches? Mine is 34!
J: look that says “umm, I think you’re wrong, but I don’t want to say”
Me: Oh, wait. That’s my hips, not my waist. I was freaking out thinking that you had to be really unnecessarily small to be healthy.
J: I was going to say… 35 inches for you would be—
Me: Seeing my chance to pounce. That would be big?
J: Yeah, but for your hips that’s normal.
Me: Slightly disappointed that he’s sidestepped that one. So what would you think if I was a size 34 waist.
J: Pause. That would be fine. Pause. But let’s not do that for awhile.

1 thought on “Conversations with J, Episode 4

  1. If he was referring to a size 35 waist being part of your “plans for expansion” let me tell you that 35 is NOTHING! Be prepared for both the number on the tape measure around your waist and the one on the scale to freak you out. Just so you know.

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